Enhancing Comfort and Care in Dialysis Clinics with Novak-M Therapy Chairs

For patients undergoing dialysis, comfort and proper positioning are essential to make the long hours of treatment more bearable. Dialysis is a demanding process, and patients often spend three to four hours per session, multiple times a week, connected to machines. In this context, the role of comfortable, well-designed furniture cannot be overstated. One company making a significant impact in this area is Novak-M, known for their specialized therapy chairs that are increasingly becoming a staple in dialysis clinics.

Clinic therapy chair1

Let’s dive deeper into how these chairs are revolutionizing patient care and comfort in dialysis clinics.

Why Chair Design Matters in Dialysis Clinics

Dialysis clinics need to provide more than just medical support. They need to create a healing environment where patients feel safe, supported, and comfortable. The average dialysis treatment involves long, stationary periods, often causing discomfort if patients aren’t seated properly. Poor seating can lead to:

  • Back pain
  • Joint stiffness
  • Poor circulation
  • Increased anxiety and stress

For healthcare providers, poorly designed chairs can also hinder effective treatment, as patient positioning can affect the accessibility of certain procedures.

ZeroG Dialysis

Enter Novak-M Therapy Chairs

Novak-M, a well-respected European manufacturer, designs therapy chairs specifically for the needs of medical patients. Their chairs, particularly those aimed at dialysis clinics, are built with an understanding of both patient comfort and healthcare needs. Let’s explore the standout features of Novak-M therapy chairs and how they address the unique challenges of dialysis.

1. Superior Comfort and Ergonomics

Novak-M therapy chairs are designed with the patient’s comfort at the forefront. Featuring high-quality upholstery, adjustable headrests, and memory foam padding, these chairs provide long-lasting comfort during extended dialysis sessions. Their ergonomic design ensures proper posture, reducing the risk of back pain or pressure sores from prolonged sitting.

2. Multi-Position Adjustability

One of the key aspects of Novak-M therapy chairs is their adjustable nature. Patients undergoing dialysis often need to change their position to avoid numbness or stiffness. Novak-M chairs allow for smooth and effortless adjustments to the backrest, leg rest, and seat height. They can be tilted into different positions, including a Trendelenburg position (a slight tilt that helps improve circulation), which is particularly beneficial in emergency situations or for patients with circulatory problems.

This adjustability allows nurses and caregivers to easily position patients for optimal access to dialysis ports, improving the efficiency of treatments.

3. Integrated Safety Features

Safety is a primary concern in medical settings. Novak-M therapy chairs come equipped with advanced safety features, such as:

  • Brakes: All chairs are fitted with easily activated brakes to keep them stable during treatment.
  • Anti-Tip Design: Ensuring patients are secure, especially when the chair is in a tilted position.
  • Emergency Positioning Controls: With a single press of a button, the chair can be brought into an emergency position (often flat or slightly reclined) to assist caregivers during any sudden medical situations.

4. Hygiene and Durability

In a medical setting, hygiene is non-negotiable. Novak-M chairs are designed with anti-bacterial upholstery and materials that are easy to clean, which is critical in dialysis clinics where infection control is paramount. The materials used are also highly durable, ensuring the chairs can withstand the frequent cleaning cycles and regular use typical in a busy clinic.

5. Space-Efficiency and Mobility

Many dialysis clinics are challenged by limited space. Novak-M therapy chairs are designed to be compact and mobile, with easy-to-maneuver wheels that allow staff to quickly reconfigure rooms or transfer patients when needed. This mobility not only saves time but also makes it easier to adjust the room layout to fit various patient needs.

Benefits for Clinics and Patients Alike

The impact of Novak-M therapy chairs in dialysis clinics is twofold, benefiting both patients and healthcare providers.

  • For patients, the chairs improve comfort, reduce anxiety, and allow for a more pleasant experience during the often-stressful process of dialysis. The ability to adjust the chair themselves empowers patients to take control of their comfort during treatments.
  • For clinics, these chairs enhance the workflow by making it easier for staff to access patients, adjust their positioning, and address any medical needs quickly and efficiently. They also help create a more professional and reassuring atmosphere, which can be a deciding factor for patients when choosing a clinic.


Novak-M therapy chairs have become a vital asset in dialysis clinics, providing comfort, safety, and improved care for patients. By investing in high-quality, ergonomically designed chairs, clinics not only enhance the patient experience but also improve the efficiency of their operations. These chairs stand out as a prime example of how thoughtful design can lead to better health outcomes and patient satisfaction, making long hours of dialysis more manageable for all involved.

As the demand for better dialysis experiences grows, it’s likely we will continue to see Novak-M therapy chairs, and similarly innovative solutions, play an increasingly important role in modern healthcare environments.

Day surgery table S – extremely versatile & robust

Op table altruderm

Day surgery table S is the heart of the minor OR room at Altruderm Clinic in Glasgow, UK. It ensures the safety of the patient and provides the surgeon with the necessary tools to perform successful surgeries efficiently.

Altruderm Clinic

Altruderm Minor Surgery & Aesthetic Clinic‘s area of expertise is minor skin surgery and dermatology. They carry out a broad range of minor surgical procedures removing lumps and bumps including moles, cysts and lipomas using various minor surgical techniques. The clinic creates a peaceful, relaxing environment where patients can be assured of continuity of care, professionalism and discretion.

High standards in all areas

The highest standards of patient care are upheld at the clinic, giving emphasis also on the equipment they use since all together leads to a better surgical experience and improved patient outcomes. They have recognized Day surgery table S to be the perfect support for their minor surgeries.

Perfect support in minor OR room

All minor surgical procedures on a day-case basis at the clinic are performed on Day surgery table S. They describe the table as robust and extremely versatile. Thanks to its sturdy construction and 250 kg safe working load, it is completely reliable providing a secure and stable platform for surgical procedures. Electric adjustment and the four-section tabletop allow the surgeon to position each patient optimally for the surgery. It is 65 cm wide and features a narrow head section with a breathing hole and two armrests are attached on each side. The personnel can therefore effortlessly reach the specific area of the patient’s body where the surgery is being performed. Plus, they say at the clinic, “our patients have commented on its good comfort.”

Long-term support

We are happy that Day surgery table S was recognized as designed and built to endure the demands of the operating room and withstand the wear and tear associated with its frequent use. Thanks to Altruderm Clinic and our UK partner Andrac Ltd.

Stretcher X2 – with caregivers in mind

stretcher X2 during patient transport FB 1

The reality of transporting patients within a hospital starts with narrow corridors, lifts, ramps and sometimes very long distances between triage and hospital wards. The key question is which features of the stretcher will make it faster and easier for the nurse to get a patient from A to B.

The lightness of the trolley

Patient transport is usually carried out by one person, be it a nurse or one of the nursing staff. A very important factor is how much the stretcher weighs, as it gets even heavier to push with the patient on it. That’s why the Stretcher X2 is 17 kg lighter than its predecessor. This represents 13% less pushing force each time the nurse moves the trolley.

patient on stretcher gal

In ergonomic position

It is not only the patients who benefit from height adjustment allowing them easy access. It is also very important for the ergonomic posture of the staff pushing the trolley or caring for the patient on it. With Stretcher X2, the height can be adjusted between 52 cm and 82 cm, a range that will meet the needs of staff of all sizes. The pedals for hydraulic height adjustment are located on both sides of the trolley.

Less time, less steps

Today we can no longer imagine having to lock each castor individually. Every modern stretcher is equipped by a central castoring system. This means that all four castors of the trolley can be operated by pushing a single pedal. The Stretcher X2 goes one step further by featuring controls on all four sides of the trolley.

What’s really in it for the nurse?

Having foot controls on all four sides means that the nurse doesn’t have to go to the head or foot end to lock the castors every time. It may not sound like much, but it saves her at least 8 steps each time. The steps add up quickly on a daily basis and every minute of their time is precious.

During driving

You can’t avoid turning corners and maneuvering when transporting a patient. If the stretcher is equipped with the fifth wheel, the nurse, especially if she is alone, will manage the turns easier. In physics terms the rotation lever is halved, which makes turning and cornering easier.

In support of treatment

Experience Stretcher X2 and feel how the focus of your work is really where it should be, with your patient. Your tasks will be carried out confidently and professionally without effort. Contact our sales team to find out more.

Making Dialysis nursing work easier – Therapy Chair ZeroG

Taking the Novak-M Therapy chair ZeroG LUX as an example, we would like to show you how the choice of equipment can help relieve nurses during their daily tasks in the Dialysis Clinic and help them be more efficient with the added incentive of taking better care of their own health.

ZeroG Dialysis

Caring for your health

The Therapy Chair ZeroG Luxury is electrically adjustable in height between 61 and 86 cm. Before the nurse cannulates the Dialysis patient and administers treatment, they can adjust the height of the chair and armrests and as such attend to the patient without unnecessary bending. Attending to the patient in the most ergonomic position prevents potential injury risks caused by forced or incorrect postures.

On lockable castors

The therapy chair has as standard lockable castors and a push handle, together with the adjustable height these features allow the nurses to move the chair easily, placing it at the correct position and height to the Dialysis machine enabling the patient or nurse to easily access the machines controls or even when required moving the chair down the corridor. Larger castors are also available if the chair is often moved from one room to another.

Patient independence

Dialysis, chemotherapy, pain-management and similar therapies always take several hours. A nurse can’t be present by each patient the whole time. Therefore, the chair is designed to maximise the patient’s independence. The hand switch is easy to use with clear commands that are graphically displayed. It allows the patient to independently adjust individual chair sections in the most comfortable position. The switch also features special buttons for the sitting, ZeroG and extended positions. The patient doesn’t need to call the nurse for every movement, which means they can meanwhile concentrate on other tasks.

Clinic therapy chair1

A very unique feature of the Therapy Chair ZeroG is the self adjusting footrest enabling easy adjustment by the patient alone. No nurse intervention is required, all the patient has to do is operate the footswitch and the footrest can be moved to the patient desired position.

Safety is taken care of

The last feature we would like to highlight is the safety that the chair provides for nurses during patient care. In case of a life-threatening situation, there is a red button on the hand switch for the Trendelenburg position and a button for the CPR position. Pressing a single button means that the chair automatically adjusts in the given position, and this allows medical staff to react quickly.

Equipment that brings treatment to a higher level

Quality medical equipment is designed to support medical staff during patient care. The workflow should be smoother, faster and easier because of it. We invite you to browse through our range of therapy chairs and other medical equipment that can bring treatment to a higher level in your clinic or hospital ward as well.

Evaluation of the Zero G Therapy Chair

Why not try the Novak-M Zero G Therapy chair in your own Clinic. Dialysis, Chemotherapy, pain-management or similar we have available in the UK evaluation equipment which are only a phone-call or email away. Call or email us to discuss all your needs and requirements.

Hospital Stretcher X2 by the numbers

Handling a hospital stretcher? Important factors… Lowering the height, positioning the patient, lifting the safety rails, driving down the corridors, manoeuvring… all this is part of the daily routine of handling a stretcher.
Learn about the key features of the Stretcher X2 that make it easy to handle and offer comfort and safety to caregivers and patients.


Easy patient access and ergonomic posture

For a healthy person, settling on a trolley is easy. The problem is they do not need to settle on it, but someone who is being transferred on or someone who has difficulty moving, is elderly or in pain. Then every inch counts. The Stretcher X2 boasts an exceptionally low bottom position of 52 cm.

The range between the extreme bottom and top height of the stretcher is 40 cm. The height adjustment is not important only for patient access, but also for those who examine and care for a patient, administer therapy or drive the stretcher. Ergonomic posture at the right height is important for all healthcare staff.

Safely settled on the trolley

Safety rails ensure safety during transport. They cover 78% of the stretcher’s length. They are 42 cm high, which also meets the standards for hospital beds. The safety rail boasts the European and US patent for the connecting element, which has improved its strength. Our survey data show an 84.5% reduction in servicing due to damaged safety rails*. Read more about the safety rails.

During patient transport

To get the real picture of patient transport, imagine long hospital corridors, the turnings and the weight of the trolley with a patient on it.

Easier pushing and greater reliability

Compared to its predecessor, the safe working load of Stretcher X2 has been increased by 19%. Its weight capacity is 320 kg, which makes it even more reliable. At the same time, the trolley is 17 kg lighter, which means 13% less push force to move it. Considering the long corridors connecting triage and wards, this leads to much less strain on the nurse’s body daily.

Fast and intuitive operation

Operating a trolley can be time-consuming. That’s why Stretcher X2 has castor controls on all four sides, which significantly reduces the number of steps a nurse has to take while caring for a patient. More concretely, they make 8 steps less each time they don’t need to go from the side to foot/head end just to block the castors.

Transporting a patient comes with the cornering and turning. If the stretcher is equipped with a fifth wheel, in physics terms the rotation lever is halved, which makes turning and cornering easier. This is particularly important because often only one person pushes the stretcher.

The numbers speak for themselves

The numbers confirm the facts and thus bring the focus of the medical staff’s tasks back to the very essence: the patient. With the full support of the Stretcher X2, you will be able to concentrate fully on your work with the patient and do your job more confidently and efficiently.  

*White paper: Analysis on the safety rails S and X repairs, data available on request

How to choose the perfect Therapy chair for lengthy therapies or recovery?

Novak-M Day Hospital chair

During long lasting therapies or for recovery purposes, it is crucial to think about your patient’s comfort. Here, the mattress is the key feature. Novak M Z-line Therapy chair for lengthy therapies and postoperative recovery guarantee a perfect solution – premium mattress that offers full body support.

Comfort when your patients need it most

After imagining how your patients will feel after 4-8 hours in a reclining position and hardly moving, you know perfectly well that you need to purchase the most comfortable product on the market to equip your clinic. With extremely soft premium ZeroG foam mattress, Novak M Z-line Therapy chairs for longer therapies or postoperative recovery are the perfect choice to offer your patients comfort when they need it most.

How is the new-technology foam ZeroG different?

Mattress on Therapy chair ZeroG and Day hospital chair is extremely comfortable due to a three-layered high technology foam with an open-celled structure. It has the best moisture regulation, ideal warmth control, first-class pressure relief and high foam elasticity and longevity. In short, this premium mattress prevents overheating and sweating and at the same time provides full support and relief from pressure on the body and joints.

Therapy chair ZeroG presentation

According to received feedback, the chairs truly provide exceptional comfort and calmness. “During whole treatment, I was calm and without back pains. It felt like I was sitting on a soft cloud,” said one of the patients at the dialysis department. Positive remarks not only come from patients, but from medical staff as well.

Could the Z-line Therapy chairs be the right answer to your needs?

If you would like to provide the ultimate comfort to patients at your ward, please give us a call or drop us an email. We well then be able to discuss all your requirements. Both the Therapy chair ZeroG and Day Hospital chair are available for evaluation. Booking an evaluation will enable you to experience the benefits for both the patients and staff direct in your Unit. For additional questions and information, our sales team is always available and glad to help.

Novak-M Stretcher X – Electric

… best solution for positioning, transport and X-ray examination of emergency patients

Stretcher X electric

The Novak-M Electric Stretcher X versatility allows you to adjust the height easily and smoothly by pressing the foot switch. The battery, which has a capacity of approx. 60 height adjustments, is very reliable. The LED display shows remaining capacity and includes a low power indicator. The low weight battery is also easy to remove and attach with a snap system. Additional back-up batteries are available.

battery charger included (free of charge)
3 years battery warranty

Easy to adjust

You can quickly adjust height of Stretcher X by electrically operated foot switchesHead section adjusts manually, while the model with a four-section lying surface also offers simultaneous adjustment of the seat and leg sections. In short, you can easily place your patient in desired position at appropriate height, also in the Trendelenburg position if needed.
… because when saving lives, seconds count!

Excellent manageability and agility

When moving Stretcher X, the short wheelbase and extremely sturdy push handles providing a safe grip enable you to push, turn and avoid obstacles easily. The side bumpers will additionally help protect the trolley and the surrounding area from damage.
… because when saving lives, seconds count!

You can adjust rubber castors from all sides of the trolley due to the central locking system. It enables the four wheels to move freely, to move in one direction or to be locked, whichever suits you better. Optionally, you can equip the stretcher with a fifth wheel. It makes maneuvering and turning the stretcher on the spot particularly easy.

Removable antistatic mattress

Stretcher X’s mattress with 6/8/10 cm thick memory foam offers maximum comfort to patients. Black antistatic PU material is resistant to blood, urine, fat and disinfectants to ensure easy maintenance and proper hygiene. Two types of mattresses are available depending on the treatment you perform. Mattress with an anti-slip material and Velcro fasteners on the bottom prevents sliding when moving or during patient examination. When the patient needs to be moved together with the mattress, you can use the mattress with smooth bottom surface and handles.

Easy access during X-ray examinations

Due to an innovative diagonal base (EP patent Nr. 3377017), the lying area of Stretcher X is large and highly permeable to X-rays. Now, you can easily access your patient for X-ray exam with classic X-ray equipment or a C-arm without moving the patient from table to table. This innovative solution sets new standards design, accessibility and X-ray permeability of hospital stretchers.

Awarded design and innovation

Novak-M are constantly looking for better and more innovative solutions to ensure our customers enjoy full support and safety at their work.

An innovative diagonal base (EP patent Nr. 3377017) of the stretcher enables better accessibility and X-ray permeability. It also speeds up and simplifies the treatment in emergencies, as you no longer need to move patients from one table to another.

During transport, safety rails protect patients from falling. They need to be firm and sturdy. We developed a special joint between horizontal and vertical rail bars (patent EP  Nr. 3496694 and US Nr. 11110019) to prevent breaking or bending. This ensures optimal patient safety.

The comfort of Therapy chairs ZeroG

Clinical Department – Chemotherapy

Therapy chair ZeroG presentation

The Novak-M Therapy chair ZeroG bring a new dimension of comfort to patients treated in Clinical Departments. Patients undergoing many treatments including chemotherapy arrive daily to the hospital. Being ill with cancer means an uncertainty and unpredictability and can cut deeply into one’s life. We cannot imagine the distress, fear and anxiety the patients face. Receiving chemotherapy as part of the treatment in cycles on an outpatient basis can lasts for up to 4-5 hours on average.

Ensure safety and comfort

The aim is to provide patients with an environment where the patient feels safe and comfortable.  Cancer patients face a difficult time in their lives, that is why great care is taken about where and how patients spend their time during chemotherapy.  A part of the ward’s equipment are the Therapy chairs ZeroG, which provide the patients with exceptional comfort.

Benefits of the Therapy chair ZeroG

The therapy chair’s mattress with special triple-layer technology foam, which has an open cell structure, offers full support and prevents the patient from overheating and sweating. The chair is equipped with a hand switch that allows patients to adjust the position that suits them best by themselves. The chair also offers a Zero Gravity position, where the body’s gravitational force is released so that the weight of the body is evenly distributed. This relieves pressure on the muscles and joints and speeds up circulation. The footrest contributes to additional comfort.

Would you like to provide such comfort in your ward?

Noval-M are pleased to be able to add a small part to the healing journey with the equipment they manufacture. Patient’s comfort is in the forethought of the ZeroG Therapy chair.

We have evaluation chairs available if you are interested in experiencing what the Novak-M ZeroG therapy chair can bring to the patients on your ward, contact us either directly through the website or by email.

Novak-M Day surgery table S

Day surgery table S

Find out all about the Novak-M Day surgery table S, a new table joining the S table series that won the Red Dot Award 2020. It is also distinguished by its outstanding design and, above all, its flexibility and functionality which makes it the perfect solution for minor surgeries and outpatient procedures.

Simple and clean design

Day surgery table is designed to allow staff to access the patient as easily as possible. The table width is 65 cm and the headrest is narrow and includes a face opening as standard. 

Day surgery table OP

The table padding is 8 cm thick to ensure patient comfort during procedures. It is covered in antistatic black imitation leather. But most importantly, the upholstery is sealed on the underside with welded and taped seams, which prevent the ingress of liquids into the interior. This makes cleaning and ensuring hygiene standards even easier.

Flexible and reliable equipment for minor surgeries

The four-section electric table with an enviable load capacity of 250 kg features a circular switch for height adjustment. This is crucial during procedures, as the surgeon can adjust the table without having to use his hands and regardless of where he is standing.

Day surgery table OP 3

The Day surgery table is also equipped with a hand switch to adjust the position of the middle two sections of the table. The memory function makes it even easier to place the patient in the appropriate position. The head and leg sections are manually adjustable. An additional built-in battery backup ensures that you can reset the position of the table even if there is a power failure during a procedure.

The table features fixation rails along the back and seat sections with armrests attached on them. Any other accessory you need during surgeries can be attached as well.

Day surgery table OP 2

Want to know more about the table?

Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the new Day surgery table S. Give us a call or contact us by email.

Novak-M Examination tables S for perfect support during medical examinations

Examination table S4

Examinations tables by Novak M have a very long tradition of being the best choice for general examinations. Not only did the tables receive two Red Dot Awards in 2009 and 2020 for their superior design, but they are also the indispensable equipment for medical personnel. The examination tables’ functionality and simplicity are of utmost importance to provide full support during treatment.

Examination tables are easily adjusted and safe for patients

During medical examinations personnel needs to adjust the examination table to allow patient support and the ability to safely move them on and off the table. S-line examination tables can be adjusted hydraulically by a pedal or electrically by a circular switch from all sides of the table with a simple up & down push. Adjusting examination tables has never been simpler, as your hands stay clean and free to focus completely on treating your patients. Also, when the table is placed in a lower position, it is easier for the patient to get on the table and into a comfortable position.

Perfect stability is essential with examination tables

To speed up the positioning of your patients and your work, the S-line examination tables have a strong control unit with new software that enables the synchronous movement of two table sections. Together with the standard weight capacity of 250 kg even the positioning of overweight patients is safer and easier. The exam tables by Novak M stand firmly on rubber feet during treatment. By activating retractable castors that include a shock absorber for softer release you can move the table across the room effortlessly.

Treat your patients in different positions

When you adjust the examination table into an appropriate position, the medical treatment is more efficient.  Therefore, you can choose among two-, three- or four-section tables that allow different patient positioning and can be equipped with a variety of accessories. To help you choose a tailor-made product for your work you can always use the online configurator. Examination tables SXL Plus, S3, and S4 have an additional hand switch that includes the CPR and SOS buttons. In case of emergency you can set your table into a completely flat or Trendelenburg position in mere seconds.

S-line examination tables are simple to maintain

Maintaining high hygiene standards in your medical practice has never been easier. The upholstery of all examination tables is seamless and fully sealed. This prevents the penetration of any liquids and makes it easier to meet the required hygiene in medical facilities. All tables’ vital parts are protected with a durable ABS plastic base cover. Its surface is screwless and completely smooth for easier cleaning as well.

Examination tables S

Diversity of S-line examination tables

Depending on the complexity of general or specialized examinations, you can choose among different models of examination tablesExamination table S with the adjustable head section, a large selection of accessories, and all the above-mentioned features is an excellent solution for every general practitioner.

Its variants with an extended and extra-long head section are Examination table SL and Examination table SXL. The first one allows for examinations in a half-seated position, while the table with an extra-long head section offers medical treatments in a sitting position.

To examine your patient in a sitting position, you may also choose the Examination table S3 that additionally offers a Trendelenburg position. The perfect choice for positioning the heavier patients is Examination table S4 because you can electrically adjust the two middle sections as they bear most of the patients’ weight.

All models of solid examination tables are available in more than 30 different colors from top quality water- and fire-resistant imitation leather. You can choose whichever will be perfectly compliable with your workplace.

Want to know more about examination tables?

For any additional questions about the available accessories and colour charts, you can contact us . The sales team will gladly assist you in choosing the best equipment for your practice.